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Fortbildungen Fachpersonal

Dealing with
grieving parents

Deal professionally and empathetically with (early) orphaned parents


There are no general answers to this question. Nevertheless, there are helpful tips to help affected parents and families. Grieving parents who receive appropriate care and support from the beginning have a higher chance of having a good grieving process. It is very important to us to spread our knowledge and experience in professional circles. Treating parents and their deceased children with dignity and respect is one of our major goals. ​We offer two lecture modules:

Lecture Module I

Lecture duration 2h

In the two-hour alternating lecture, the situation of the parents, the different mourning processes and overcoming the helplessness and speechlessness are discussed.


Tips are given on how parents with early losses can be accompanied professionally and empathetically.

The lecture module is suitable for everyone who is professionally involved with pregnancies, parents and children, eg counseling centers and medical professionals (including midwives).

Before each lecture we offer a free initial consultation. You can also contact us if you, as a specialist, are planning a training course on the subject of Star Childrenin your facility or practice.

Lecture module II

daily rate | Lecture duration 6h

The lecture module II "A dignified treatment of star children and their parents" is aimed at midwives, delivery room teams and medical professionals.


Unfortunately, the taboo subject of “miscarriage and stillbirth” still takes up far too little space in midwifery training to deal with those affected professionally and with dignity. The aim of the module is, among other things, to reduce fear of contact, to create precious memories and to establish your own concept for dealing with star children in the hospital or in the facility. In addition to theoretical knowledge, practical and personal experiences will accompany the module.


Large basic qualification for bereavement support


with a focus on supporting parents who were orphaned at an early age and their relatives for full-time and volunteers – according to the quality standards of the Federal Association of Bereavement Care, with 1.5 years of further training


Volunteers of the self-help group “STERNENKINDER Duisburg”
social workers
pediatric nurses
pediatric nurse
Psychosocial professionals


The further training deals with theoretical and scientific approaches to grief processes, grief counseling and grief support.
The professional, spiritual, emotional and methodical skills in dealing with mourners are trained.
Expertise on grief, grief reactions, grief processes, grief-specific working methods and discussion techniques are expanded and deepened.


Accompaniment of the participants in practice, practical transfer through case reviews, role plays and simulations, conveying the content through creative, body-oriented methods and self-awareness with ones own losses, farewells and crises.

Weiterbildung Trauerbegleitung

Bereavement Support

Broschüre und Flyer


„Ich bin dankbar für die Zeit, das Wissen und die Erfahrung, die ich mitnehmen durfte.“

K. A. aus Duisburg



„Ich habe viel gelernt und jede Menge persönlicher Erkenntnisse mitnehmen dürfen.“

B. C. aus Bochum



„Danke für die wunderbare, wertvolle und lehrreiche Zeit. Danke auch für den kollegialen Austausch.“

K. A. aus Hannover



„Vielen Dank für das fundierte Wissen, die wertschätzende Begleitung.“

O. M. aus Duisburg



„Danke für die tolle Qualifizierung. Sie ist so wertvoll und weiterbringend für mich gewesen.“

B. A. aus Essen



„Danke für die Zeit, die Aufmerksamkeit und das kompetente Wissen in dieser Qualifizierung.“

D. K. aus Duisburg

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